Posted on Thursday, 02.25.2010 Miami Beach Golf Club - Information on Miami Golf Club Miami Beach golf Club first opened its doors in 1923 and was know as the Bayshore Golf Course. The Miami golf club was part of the Alton Beach subdivision designed by pioneer developer Carl Fisher, and was intended to entice the wealthy winter residents from New York, Indianapolis and Detroit. Almost a century later and after much of the history of Miami passed by the 79 year old Miami Beach Golf Club received a $10 million dollar face lift. In 2002, the Miami golf club began to undergo a complete transformation. The landscaping, including the grass and trees were taken up and replaced. After that the lakes were drained, drudged and sculpted into new designs before refilling with water. The hills and dugout were even bulldozed flat and then reshaped.
The Miami Beach Golf Club has fully reopened and offers one of the finest championship layouts designed by world a renowned architect. The entire 128 acres are covered in the finest playing surface available in the industry, seaside paspalum.
The Miami golf club plays at a par 72 measuring from 5039 yards up to 6813 affords itself to all levels of play. Not only does the Miami Beach Golf Club offer some of the best golfing facilities today but there's a full service restaurant in the clubhouse that serves excellent food and the ProShop offers anything you need in golf. The Miami Beach Golf Club is now a daily fee course open to all. The rates will vary depending on the time of year. See below course details and greens fee: Location: 2301 Alton Road Miami Beach, Fl 33139 Phone: 305-532-3350 Rates and Greens Fee: Shoulder Season Nov.1, 2008 – Dec. 19, 2008 $ 125.00
Peak Season Dec. 20, 2008 –April 30, 2009 $ 200.00
Summer Season May 1, 2009 – Oct. 31, 2009 $ 100.00
Rental Clubs $ 60.00
Rental Shoes $ 20.00