Accueil | Novembre 12, 2024

Posted on Wednesday, 05.05.2010

Miami Hotels Occupancy Rates, Miami Tourism Hotels


According to Smith Travel Research, South Florida and Miami hotels occupancy rates rose again last week. Miami hotels news said for the week ending April 24, hotel occupancy rates in Broward County rose 12% from a year ago. Occupancy in Palm Beach County rose 9.98% and Miami hotels occupancy rates rose 5.5%. However, Miami hotels news said occupancy rates across the U.S. only rose 2.4%.

However, even with the rise in Miami tourism, hotels occupancy rates and Miami hotels news says that the average daily Miami hotel rates continued to decline. Hotel rates in Broward fell from $120.47 to 110.28 an 8.5% drop. Average daily Miami hotel rates dropped 3% to $145.70. Palm Beach County’s average fell 1.8%, to $136.60 from $139.08.

As a result of the volcano eruption most flights between Miami International Airport and Europe remained canceled for the first half of the week. MIA typically has about 12 European flights a day. As of April 22, the flights had resumed. This has only slightly effected Miami tourism, hotels and occupancy. is the rental agency that offers the best furnished apartments in Miami and Miami Beach at the lowest prices.  Call them at 1 (305) 673.3958 to get the best Miami hotels rates.  |  Liens  |  Nous Contacter  |  Notre Societe  | 
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