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Cette section de Miami info apporte des informations sur le marché de l immobilier a Miami et a pour but essentiel de permettre une meilleure compréhension du marché. Des informations sont rajoutées chaque semaine afin que les investisseurs puissent jauger le marché de la manière la plus transparente possible. Lisez, analysez et prenez les bonnes décisions d investissements.


Miami real estate - Miami Lodge Realty is a leader in residential Miami Florida real estate and the Florida housing market.

Miami Condo Sales Rise 36%
In September 2010, Miami condo sales rose by 36 percent while sales of existing single-family homes declined by 6 pe

Miami ICON Brickell downtown condo prices fall 51%
Prices for the ICON Brickell Miami downtown condos have been cut to as little as $261 a square foot which ia a 51% discount on the average closed sales price in the complex to date.

Positive sign for Florida Housing Market
Thanks to international buyers and prices dropping fror Miami homes, South Florida's housing housing market greatly improved in July...

Downtown Miami Condos for Sale in Court
Bank of America, who's owed $205 million by Cabi Downtown LLC for construction loans, will be in bankruptcy court to hear a ruling by the judge on the bank's motion to dismiss the reorganization or modify the so-called automatic stay

Credit Suisse takes over Gansevoort South in Miami Beach
An affiliate of Credit Suisse took possession of the 334-room Gansevoort South after no bidders stepped up at a New York auction to buy the debt.

Banks seized 30,000 South Florida homes in 2009
Banks seized more than 30,000 South Florida properties through foreclosure last year; a 16% increase since 2008.

Big Banks are Accused of Short Sale Fraud, Miami Beach Real Estate
During the housing boom, millions of Americans pulled cash out of their homes,in the form of home equity loans and lines of credit. Now, many of the borrowers are in trouble, and many are so far underwater on thei

Fewer Sellers Cutting Prices of Miami Homes
Fewer people are cutting prices for their homes for sale in Miami in December.

Fannie Mae Announces Program to Boost Miami Condo Sales
Fannie Mae announced a program that could increase sales of existing Miami Beach condos.

Survey: More shying away from Florida foreclosures
According to a new survey, fewer potential homebuyers are willing to purchase Miami houses for sale that have been foreclosed upon.

A-Rod selling Miami Luxury Home in the Gables
Alex Rodriguez of the Yankees just reduced the price of his Coral Gables mansion.

Slightly fewer Miami Homes Valued less their Loan Amount
Nearly half of the owners of Miami homes in the Miami-Fort Lauderdale metropolitan area were valued for less than the mortgages owed against them...

Lenders fighting over fate of troubled South Beach hotel
A court has taken over the Royal Palm a South Beach hotel, believed to be worth far less than its debt...

Florida Construction Market to Increase 11% Next Year
According to McGraw-Hill Construction’s annual industry outlook, the level of construction starts in 2010 is expected to jump 11% to $466.2 billion.

Miami Homes, Values will Drop Even More says Survey
A new forecast says prices of Miami homes will take another serious fall in the year to come...

Florida's Foreclosures Slow Down but Still Fourth Worst in U.S.
According to a quarterly report by a real estate research company and even as foreclosure filings rose across the rest of the nation, less people were hit this summer with bank notices for Florida foreclosures.

Miami Condo’s for Sale, There’s a New Player
 South Florida's beat-up condo market just got a major new player, Starwood Capital Group.

Miami Real Estate Flippers are Back and Could be Helpfull
Strengthen by increasing Florida foreclosures and low prices, investors are returning to the Miami real estate market and paying cash for distressed homes...

Miami Apartment Rentals Face High Vacancy Rates
Miami apartment rentals hit their highest vacancy since 1986. People are finding that not only are they able to afford a rental now, they are getting a better apartment...

Miami Real Estate Recovery Upset by Hail of Foreclusures
A new report claims that the Miami real estate market as well as the rest of the US will deteriorate as a delayed pipeline of foreclosed loans begins to liquidate.

Miami Real estate still in crisis despite signs of recovery
Miami commercial real estate property owners face default on their bank loans. Many fear that this could trigger another round of bank failure...

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony buying Miami Real Estate
Miami real estate gets another ‘Star Studded’ resident- Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony are supposedly buying a three-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath, 2,050 square foot Miami condo at Icon.

South Florida Tax Calculator
Miami-Dade County’s property tax calculator is now showing the proposed “flat tax” commissioners recently approved.

IRS Issues Rules to Improve Mortgage Financing
Information on IRS Issues Rules to Improve Mortgage Financing on Commercial Real Estate...

Florida Property Values, Appeals are Rising
The deadline to file property assessment appeals is only two days away...

Florida Mortgage Rates Continue to Fall
This is great news for those Floridians who now have a chance to purchase Miami real estate at discounted prices.

U.S. housing market is Rebounding
In July, pending U.S. home sales including Miami real estate rose more than it has in two years...

Best Time to Lease Stores in Miami
The landlord is no longer the one pulling all the strings and more than ever it's a tenant's Miami commercial real estate market. It is the best time to lease stores in Miami!

Miami Beach Foreclosures
With foreclosures increasing in numbers, now is a good time to buy Miami homes but first you must decide what your goal is...

South Florida' Economy is Improving
While prices where still declining, the amount of  Miami real estate  transactions increased dramatically over the past few months...

Best Time to Buy Miami Beach Real Estate
The prices for Miami Beach real estate has dropped to 2002-2003 prices and now is the best time to buy a

Miami Beach Condos for Sale
If you are looking to buy Miami Beach real estate or a Miami investment property, now is the time!

Foreclosures in Miami

The following are a series of articles pertaining to foreclosures Miami and Miami homes for sale.

Miami Brickell a Renters Market
The kind of Miami apartments and amenities that young professionals can afford today are more luxurious than most could have ever expected to live in.

Miami Foreclosures Update
The latest statistics indicate that 1 out of every 5 Miami Florida real estate home loans are delinquent...

Miami Real Estate Bubble
The largest South Florida real estate developers operating in Miami and South Florida have paid and continue paying a huge price for their excesses...

Robert Falor, Real Estate Developer
Robert Falor, a Chicago condo hotel developer and Miami real estate developer, was just indicted in his hometown of Chicago...

Rapper Wyclef Loses Home to Bank, Miami Foreclosures
Miami foreclosures are affecting everybody and being famous doesn't save you from the bank, as rapper and producer Wyclef Jean has found out.

New Trends: Brickell Going Up!
Brickell Miami is steadly becoming a great place for liviing, eating, and clubbing...

Miami Beach architectural trend

Miami Beach architecture and overview of its evolution.

Franck Gehry 's New World Symphony building

Miami Beach architecture and overview of its evolution.

Indian Creek Island , Island of Miami
Miami-info, a guided visit of the most exclusive island of Miami: Indian Creek

Flamingo South Beach
Flamingo the new soul of South Beach...

Sammy Sosa is suing Acqualina's developer
Sammy Sosa is suing Williams Island Ocean Club, developer of Acqualina Ocean and Resort in Sunny isles.

Inc.’s Job Growth Ranking
Inc. Magazine delivered the list of annual job growth ranking in its may issue.

Miami real estate, Miami foreclosure and banks
Find the most interesting miami real estate information...

South Florida Gains Jobs-Construction Industry Picks Up
Even though South Florida unemployment is still low new data released Friday shows the region has added more jobs than any other part of the state during the month of April.

Miami Real Estate - Financial News
The stock market tumbled as a result of troubles in the subprime mortgage markets...

immobilier a Miami
Le MLS, base de donnees immobilieres

Miami's skyline, downtown miami
Miami's expanding skyline, a major real estate redevelopment.

Best of Miami Properties
The best selection of Miami' s properties available for sale

waterfront Miami homes
Find waterfront Miami Homes for sale and for rent

miami condos, condos real estate market
The Miami's condo market, Miami real estate news

Miami Beach lofts, South Beach lofts
Miami Beach lofts and south Beach lofts for sale and rent/

Miami condo rentals
Condo rentals in Miami, easy step by step process

The New and Improved Midtown Miami
Midtown Miami has become an up-and-coming urban Miami real estate neighborhood after its $2.3 billion multi-block reconstruction.  |  Liens  |  Nous Contacter  |  Notre Societe  | 
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