Accueil | Janvier 15, 2025

Tattoo Removal in Miami - Tattoos in Miami


So you are on vacation, having some fun and next thing you know, you decided to get tattoos in Miami. Deciding to get tattoos in Miami (or anywhere else) can cost you a few hundred dollars but changing your mind and deciding to get them removed, can cost you several times that. As well as multiplying the cost, tattoo removal multiplies the pain of the procedure; it is way more painful that getting inked.

Tattoo removal specialists have noticed a dramatic increase in the number of requests for tattoo removal in Miami. Clients requesting tattoo removal in Miami range from those who want to remove a tattooed name and those in their 30’s wishing to look more adult or professional.
About 80% of those removing tattooed names are men. A very huge portion of the clients searching for tattoo removal in Miami are teenagers (14–18). The law requires that someone be at least 18 years of age to get tattoos in Miami but apparently there are some easy ways to get around that.


The Ageless Skin Med Spa uses YAG (yttrium aluminum garnet) lasers which gets rid of the tattoo by burning off layers of skin. The number of sessions required to fully get rid of the tattoo varies according to several factors including color. Some colors are very difficult to remove such as red and a particular shade of green.
The Beach Center has recently brought in new lasers that work on those difficult colors. Different laser centers can charge anywhere between $50 to hundreds of dollars per session depending on the size and colors.
The tattoo removal business is booming in Southern California even more than tattoo removal in Miami. It is getting so popular there that a local tattoo removal company Dr. Tattoff is hoping to go national.  |  Liens  |  Nous Contacter  |  Notre Societe  | 
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