La ville de Miami est en effervescence tout au long de l’année et accueille différents événements parmi lesquels des foires, des festivals ou des congrès. Lors de votre séjour au sein de cette ville cosmopolite, vous êtes sûr de pouvoir vous divertir quand bon vous semble. Même si la ville propose de nouveaux événements chaque année, certaines manifestations sont devenues des « classiques » que l’on retrouve d’une année à l’autre. Tous ces événements majeurs sont très attendus et attirent des touristes du monde entier. Le site Miami-Info.com vous retrace l’histoire des principales manifestations de Floride qu’accueille la ville de Miami. Vous trouverez des informations générales relatives aux différents thèmes proposés lors de chaque festival annuel. |
Festival International du Film à MiamiLe Festival International du Film de Miami fait de plus en plus parler de lui et attire des réalisateurs venus du monde entier, séduits par la diversité culturelle de la ville. |
Miami Brazilian Film Festival
Imagine sitting on one of the beautiful Miami Beaches watching some great independent film making. It is possible if you add the Brazilian Film Festival of Miami to your list of things to see. |
Miami Bang Music FestivalOne of the big events in Miami, the Bang Music Festival, gives music fans the chance to see many of their favorites all on one bill! |
International Ballet Festival of Miami
This Florida festival is considered one the most successful festivals of its kind. It features dancers from some of the greatest ballet companies in the world doing what they do best. |
Florida Fair: ArteamericasThis Florida fair celebrates the best in Latin American art, while at the same time giving visitors a glimpse into Latin culture. |
Miami-Dade County FairOf all the Florida festivals held every year, none are as anticipated as the Miami-Dade County Fair. |
Miami Calle Ocho Festival
Calle Ocho is the biggest of all Miami events. It is also the most popular among the Latin community. |
Art MiamiArt Miami has been going strong for two decades now and shows no signs of stopping any time soon. |
Coconut Grove Arts Festival
The festival is an outdoor event that lasts 3 days and is a must-add stop for any visitor who loves the fine arts. |
South Beach Comedy FestivalComing to the South Beach Comedy Festival gives you a chance to laugh until you cry, which is a great way to unwind and recharge. |
Miami HaitianFest
This annual Florida festival is dedicated to celebrating the city’s considerable Haitian community. |
Miami Short Film Festival
This Florida festival is all about celebrating the art of film making and partners with several different places to ensure that it will continue to do so for many years to come... |
Miami Mad Hatter Arts FestivalThis annual Miami event is a great way to expose your children to a love of art without breaking the bank, something any traveler on a budget can appreciate. |
Miami Ramble-A Garden Festival
Like so many of the events that call the City of Miami home, Ramble- A Garden Festival has grown a lot since it began in 1941. |
Miami OzzfestMusic festivals are a huge part of the Miami events calendar each year, and no music festival is bigger than Miami Ozzfest... |
Miami/Bahamas Goombay FestivalThe Bahamas Goombay Festival is an entertaining event for the whole family. It will not only teach them about another culture while having fun, it is also a place to meet new and interesting people. |
Miami Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival
There are Miami events that celebrate the Asian culture as well as the contributions they have made to our community. One of these is the Miami Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival. |
Miami Afro Cuban Dance Festival
The annual Florida festival is a chance for residents and visitors to learn more about the Cuban people and their traditions and folklore. |
Miami Sport and Fitness FestivalThis annual Miami event is held on one of Florida’s most popular areas: Miami beach. Visitors to the Florida festival will be able to tone up while having a great time. |
South Florida Dragon Boat Festival
The Festival is organized by the United Chinese Association of Florida. It is a non-profit organization that has been in existence since 2003. |
Miami Italian Film FestivalAs with any Florida Festival, be ready for a great time. The Italian Film Festival is home to many parties at some of the more high-profile Miami clubs. |
Miami International Song FestivalThe Miami festival visits the artistic city of Miami annually in July and participants can begin submitting their songs as early as the August of the year before... |