Home | April 25, 2024
Basically, Israeli cuisine can be divided in two: Ashkenazic and Sephardic. Ashkenazic related to Jewish people (immigrants) from east and west Europe and Sephardic relates to Jewish people from Middle East countries. Ashkenazic food reflects the migration of a community first based in Germany that ultimately spread eastward to Russia and Poland. Usually Americans refer to bagels, knishes, borscht as “Jewish food,” and they are part Ashkenazic cuisine. The “Jewish style” food in North America is an enriched version of Ashkenazic cuisine. Moreover, Jews have traveled and lived throughout the United States, and their foods were influenced by local custom and traditions.

Due to the massive Jewish community in Miami and Miami Beach, there are several Miami kosher restaurants in the area. Most of the best Miami Ashkenazic restaurants have Miami Kosher certification.

Miami Ashkenazic kosher restaurants
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