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Posted on Tueaday, 4.6.2010

Miami Gay couples - Gay Miami  events


Miami Gay couples that view their relationship as a marriage should check 'married' on their Census and transgender’s should choose the sex they identify with more.

National gay rights leaders have start a campaign called "Queer the Census", in effort to receive a more accurate count of sexual minorities in the United States including Miami gay couples. The U.S. Census Bureau agrees and has even released videos advising Miami gay couples and to check “married” and transgender’s to check the sex they identify with. This is not new for The Census who began asking unmarried partner status 20 years ago but only a small number same-sex couples complied. The Census wasn't allowed to fully report the collected statistics.

Below is a link to one of a half-dozen videos The Census has posted on YouTube from gay community leaders…

A 2010 Census Message from LGBT Community Leader

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force  is part of the "Queer the Census'' campaign and encourages Miami gay couples and their partners send back Census forms with special pink stickers affixed to the backs of return envelopes.


Miami gay couples will be excited to hear that nearly 4,000 Census workers in the U.S. have been trained to collect data on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people.
Gay Miami Beach Travel Guide- supports the gay Miami community and offers information on gay-friendly hotels, restaurants, Miami attractions, tours, Miami gay clubs and other things to do in Miami. Call them at 1 (305) 673.3958 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              1 (305) 673.3958      end_of_the_skype_highlighting to find the best Miami vacation and corporate rentals.

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