Home | February 15, 2025
Posted on Wednesday, 09.30.2009

Miami-Dade Tax Calculator may Provide Good News

Miami-Dade County’s property tax calculator is now showing the proposed “flat tax” commissioners recently approved.

According to the property appraiser’s office, the calculator’s results are going to be good news for most owners of Miami real estate.

This new provisional tax rate is a reduction from the proposed rolled-back rate, and should result in lower county taxes for most property owners on their 2009 Miami real estate property tax bills, according to a news release.

The tax calculator is on the property appraiser’s web site and helps property owners estimate their taxes.

A spokesman for the county’s property appraiser said that the flat tax for most people will result in lower taxes than Mayor Carlos Alvarez had proposed. However, owners of Miami real estate who have benefited from the 3% cap tied to the homestead exemption may see an increase of about 1%.

On property owner that owns Miami commercial real estate  in downtown, said he hopes there is an upside to the flat tax for commercial property owners, but he has filed an appeal.

On Thursday, the Miami City Commission agreed to a flat tax cap as well as voting to keep its millage rate at the same level as last year.

The low millage will result in $118 million in budget cuts, according to a Commission Chairman Sanchez news release.

The problem for the county and the city is that both governments faces tens of million of dollars in budget gaps that a flat tax won’t address.

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