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Posted on Friday, 10.23.2009

Most business owners agree that lack of website advertising in Miami will result in a lack of business. With all of the information out there regarding website advertising in Miami, it is easy to get lost on your path. There are several cheap Miami online advertising options online. Miami online advertising is not a one-size-fits all scheme. You know what your business needs. Mix and match methods and track your results.

1. Ezine Advertising

Ezine website advertising in Miami is usually inexpensive and offers the option of matching the ezine audience with your product and ad.

2. Text Links

This is a simple Miami online advertising technique that is often overlooked. It is one of the least expensive yet the most powerful advertising option available. Most text links can be purchased for less than $10. The link promotes the desired site/page and will connect it with key words that benefit you the most. Text links help you attract immediate traffic from the host site as well as better search engine ranking.

3. Pay per click advertising

This is simply paying for specifically targeted traffic. You can monitor and control these Miami online advertising programs closely and tweak your ad copy and key words. This can be an expensive option unless you plan carefully and monitor closely.

4. Email marketing
Despite strong and heedful attempts to stop spam, email marketing is very much alive. It is not recommended, but you can still use email marketing to reach out to customers and future customers. Make sure you are only sending it to people who ask for it. People are still willing to sign up for mailing lists if you have some benefit to offer them.

5. Banner Ads
Banner ads have a bad reputation but have come a long way. A cleverly designed banner can be a real asset to a Miami online advertising campaign. Banner ads don't have to span the width of the screen. You can use smaller, simple ads that easily fit into the sidebar or special box where they can better suit the design and work more effectively. The site you choose to display your banner is important; make sure it can appeal to the audience of the site.

These next five Miami online advertising methods are all free:

6. Publish a Newsletter

Creating your own regular newsletter or ezine offers you all the advantages of ezine website advertising in Miami and email marketing.

7. Publish a Blog and RSS Feed
Very easily create a blog and make the content available via RSS feed. This can benefit you with regularly updated material for your web site, which attracts visitors and search engines.

8. Write Articles
Use material created for your newsletter and/or blog and share it with others on one of the many free content directories on the web. This helps to establish your credibility while the contact info you provide in your resource box will appear every time someone else publishes your material and will bring you direct traffic and search engine attention.

9. Create an Ebook
Once you have enough material generated from your newsletter and blog then you can package it into a convenient Ebook and give it away. Collect names and email addresses and use coupons or discounts to bring people back to your site.

10. Post in Forums

Find a forum where you have something to offer. Include an appropriate url and description for your forum signature to attract traffic and search engine attention.

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