Home | February 14, 2025

Posted on Tuesday, 08.18.2009

Miami Guide, Tattoos in Miami Florida - Tattoo Celebrities
Ami James, the star of Miami Ink, is an icon in Miami Beach, in the tattoo industry and tattoos in Miami Florida. He is one of Miami’s own tattoo celebrities.

Of all tattoo celebrities, most people consider Ed Hardy to be the godfather. Aside from Ed Hardy’s skin art, he was the founder of a new art-fashion. Ed Hardy licensed his name and art to companies that market his new art-Fashion movement. Also among tattoo celebrities, famous designer Christian Audigier came up with a very successful line of tattoo-art clothing.

The designer lives in Los Angeles and designs clothes for the who’s who of the music and entertainment world. Ed Hardy brought his art to bedding and even bath décor. Miami’s largest and fanciest stores such as Macys carry his line of products inspired by tattoos in Miami Florida.

You are sure to find a few of these items when shopping in Miami. Retro skull, heart, animal and rose tattoos in Miami Florida found new mediums on which to show-off.

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