Home | February 8, 2025

Posted on Monday, 8.2.2010

Hotel Occupancy Rates - Miami Hotels


According to Smith Travel Research, hotel occupancy rates for South Florida and hotels in Miami were generally positive last week. Occupancy for Miami hotels rose from 67.3 percent in the prior-year period to 72.1 percent, for the week ending on July 24. Occupancy in Broward County rose from 63.9 percent to 66.1 percent. Palm Beach County’s occupancy rose to 59.1 percent from 57.5 percent. Across the U.S., occupancy rose to 71.8 percent from 67 percent.


Average daily room rates (ADR) rose 3.2 percent for Miami hotels, to $122.85 from $119. In Broward rates rose 1.2 percent to $90.97 from $89.93 and in Palm Beach County hotel occupancy rates fell 4.8 percent to $94.94 from $99.71. Across the U.S., rates rose 1.3 percent, from $98.35 to $99.60.

On Thursday, South Florida’s tourism industry got a boost when National Incident Commander in charge of the response to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, Admiral Thad Allen, said that the tri-counties would most likely escape the oil.


Allen said the temporary cap BP put a on its leaking well greatly improved South Florida’s luck. He also added that tropical storm Bonnie helped to push the oil in a northwest direction, away from the loop current last weekend.


As we continue to control the leakage at the well with the new cap the chances that oil would become caught in the loop current are very low and will eventually go to zero, Allen said at a news conference.


BP, in the meantime, announced Friday it will establish a $100 million charitable fund to support unemployed rig workers impacted by the moratorium on deepwater drilling imposed by the federal government.
Call MLR Realty at: 1-305-673-3303 to speak with a real estate agent that specializes in hotels in Miami for sale or for Miami vacation rentals and accommondations, call Miami Habitat at 1-305-673-3958. 


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