Home | January 14, 2025
Your Miami travel guide provides useful tips on what to do to avoid luggage loss. Enjoy your next trip to tropical Miami!

A trip to tropical Miami is an experience to be enjoyed to the very last drop. The loss of luggage can really put a damper on a trip or even on your should-be-relaxed mood upon arrival back home. If for any reason your lagguge do not arrive with you to the Miami Airport, it will be most likely delivered to you Miami Beach vacation rental or Miami hotel during the next 3 days.

We have put together a collection of steps one should take to minimize risk of falling victim to luggage loss. Do not let this accident ruin your trip.

• If possible, ship your luggage before your departure to avoid loss or delay.
• Always attach permanent leather or plastic tags with your name, updated address and phone number to each suitcase. If you do not feel comfortable displaying your personal address, use an office, relative or friend’s address.
• Tag any carry-on bags incase you have to check it in at the last minute or accidentally leave it behind on the plane.
• Remove any old flight destination tags.
• Tie a sturdy, brightly colored ribbon around your bag or its handle so no one else mistakes it for their own.
• Pack essentials (medicine, toothbrush, an extra change of clothes, an important presentation, keys) in your carry-on just incase.
• Put your contact information on all your valuables…even if you are carrying it onboard! Examples: glasses cases, cameras and cell phones. This way, if you leave anything on the plane, it can be returned to you.
• Lay a copy of your itinerary on top of the contents of your suitcase before closing it. If your bags are found while you're away, you may find them waiting at home for you.
• Confirm that the airport tag on your bag matches your final destination. Make sure that luggage tags and the number of checked pieces matches. Keep your tags in a secure place--they're your receipt in the event of loss.
• If you’re luggage does not arrive in the claim area, find a baggage agent immediately. If it is not in the holding area, fill out the claim forms. Get a phone number to call in case you need to follow up and give them yours.
o Most airlines will provide basic amenities--toothbrush, toothpaste and razor--while you're waiting for your bag.

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