The Bullrun is a yearly event, put together with fast and expensive cars and celebrity drivers. They go on a seven day romp across the United States, partying and enjoying the speed, eating at fine restaurants and staying at the best hotels. Around 200 cars, mostly driven by the rich and famous who pay a paltry $13,000 each just to participate, drive from LA to Miami passing through checkpoints in Vegas, Phoenix, Dallas, New Orleans and Tampa. All the revenues go to charity.
Celebrities, professional drivers and participants drivers from around the world apply. This Rally is filmed for TV and currently airs in 52 countries. The real Bullrun rally is not a race. Drivers must at all times fallow to all local, state and national laws and regulations related to driving on public and private roads and highways.
This year event began in an Old Montreal location at 9 a.m. on Saturday the 12th of May. What happened next was a mystery, since the participants only found out each morning where they had to head. All they knew was that the event was planned to finish in Key West, May 18th.
Paris Hilton was schedule to come to Miami to the rally closure; however, she did not participate this year because her recent driver license suspension. To get more information about the celebrities coming to Miami click here.