Accueil | Février 17, 2025
May, 2007

The MacDonald’s National Salute to American heroes occurred in Miami on May 5th and 6th. This spectacular event was put together by 4,000 men and women from the Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps. Port Everglades hosted the McDonald’s Air and Sea Show of 2007. The event brought thousands of tourists from around the nation.

The McDonald’s Air & Sea pays tribute to all of our nation’s military heroes, including the brave men and women serving in the armed forces, veterans, public servants, community leaders, and those who give of themselves to serve and protect others.

On the sea, the public attending had the change to talk to sailors and Marines and even visit on ships. In the air, the activities included performances by the U.S Air Force who pull off high-speed maneuvers in F-16s. Planes and other sophisticated vehicles descended on the beach in magnificent live demonstrations.

The Miami event was narrated for Danny Clisham, who has narrated the show the last four years. The people packed on Fort Lauderdale beach on May 5th and 6th heard the show announcer telling what to expect, where to look, and also the history of the planes and pilots experience.

Clisham kept people looking up from 9:00 am until 4:30 pm when the U.S Air Force Thunderbirds closed the show with an amazing finale of the Delta formation.

The event vendors said to the media that even though they were busy this year, they weren’t as busy as they have been in other years. This year event was a little slow; however, at the end of the last day the beach was full with people wanting to see the show. The beach between Sunrise and Oakland Park Boulevard were filled with spectators.

Due to the event quality and innovation, any Miami resident who has never been at this event should be sure to go at least one show. Do not miss next year event!

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