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2010 Memorial Day Weekend in Miami, Eventos
Inicio | Febrero 8, 2025 | « Subscipcion al boletin informativo » |    

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Posted on Monday, 08.30.2009

2010 Memorial Day Weekend in Miami - Miami events

Memorial Day in Miami is a big event. If you plan to stay anywhere in South Beach from 20th Street or below during 2010 Memorial Day Weekend in Miami, do not bother renting a car. Most of the parties and Miami events during 2010 Memorial Day Weekend in Miami will be in South Beach. A car is not necessary and would only set you back with searching for parking and hold-ups in traffic. If you are planning on staying any further north of 20th, you should look into renting a car. If you are looking for cheap, yet nice accommodations, look into Miami vacation rentals or Miami vacation homes instead of hotels.

During 2010 Memorial Day Weekend in Miami expect to see a flood of parties and Miami events around certain parts of Ocean Drive. A lot of celebrities spend Memorial Weekend in Miami and host Miami events and parties. The annual reggae concert will be going on just over the bridge, in Downtown Miami. The 2010 Memorial Day Weekend in Miami is all about the parties and Miami events.

2010 Miami Memorial Day Accommodations - Great vacation rentals in Miami, special accommodation packages for the Memorial Day Weekend 2010. Call us today 305.673.3958!



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05.28.2010 thru 05.31.2010

South Beach

Día Feriado

South Beach


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